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All translations - AlbanezuL

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Results 1 - 3 of about 3
Source language
English I hear Jerusalem bells ar ringing Roman Cavalry...
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I cannot explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Completed translations
Albanian Dëgjoj zilet e Jerusalemit janë duke kumbuar...
Source language
English Nowadays the running curricula include various...
Nowadays the running curricula include various up-to-date methods of teaching in school education.Watching video films is one of them.It's known to everybody that children are great film-goers.And when a teacher announces they will watch a film dedicated to a certain topic,they take it with enthusiasm.School cinema halls-rooms are gradually being transformed into video ones.Actually there's no big difference between them when speaking about their decisive role in teaching.

Completed translations
Romanian Curicula utilizată în prezent include diverse...
Albanian Në Ditët tona plani mësimor i vazhdueshem përfshin...
240Source language240
Portuguese brazilian SONETO AO SOL De: Manoel Lúcio de Medeiros ...
Sol! Dorme o teu sono no horizonte,
Apaga a tua luz sobre o granito!
É lindo o teu deitar atrás do monte,
Descansa teu calor no infinito!

Sol! Leva com tua luz esta esperança,
De ver um novo dia amanhecer!
Eu quero me acordar como criança,
Fazer desta infância um alvorecer!

Sol! Queima no teu fogo a minha dor,
Não quero nunca mais assim sofrer!
Ilumina minhas horas de temor,

Que eu sinta nesta luz poder vencer!
Eu quero ver somente o meu amor,
Comigo, nos meus braços amanhecer!

Completed translations
English Sonnet to the Sun by Manoel Lúcio de Medeiros
Greek Η σονάτα του ήλιου
Arabic سونيتة إلى الشّمس من قبل مانويل ل ؟
French Sonnet au soleil, par Manoel Lúcio de Medeiros
Turkish Manoel Lucio de Medeiros'tan Güneşe Sone
German Sonnensonett
Albanian Sonet për diellin nga Manoel Lucio de Mederios
Icelandic Sonnetta í sólinni : Manoel Lúcio de Medeiros ...
ბოსნური ენა Soneta Suncu od Manoel Lúcio de Medeiros a